Monitor Message



Monitor Message command

The Monitor Message (MONMSG) command is used to monitor for escape, notify, or status messages that are sent to the call stack of the CL program or procedure in which the MONMSG command is used.

Using the MONMSG command, you can direct a program or procedure to take predetermined action if specific errors occur during the processing of the immediately preceding command. The MONMSG command has the following parameters:

MONMSG MSGID(message-identifier) CMPDTA(comparison-data) +

Each message that is sent for a specific error has a unique identifier. You can enter as many as 50 message identifiers on the MSGID parameter.

The MONMSG command has the following parameters:

MONMSG MSGID(message-identifier) CMPDTA(comparison-data) + EXEC(CL-command)

The MONMSG message id CPF0000 monitors for messages CPF0001 and CPF9999;

If you code the MONMSG command at the beginning of your CL program or procedure, the messages you specify are monitored throughout the program, regardless of which command produces these messages.

0038.00             CPYF       FROMFILE(&LIBI/&FILI) TOFILE(*LIBL/XXXXXXX) +  
0039.00                           FROMMBR(&TEMI) TOMBR(XXXXXXX) +              
0040.00                           MBROPT(*REPLACE) CRTFILE(*NO) FMTOPT(*NOCHK)  
0041.00              MONMSG     MSGID(CPF0000)                                  
0051.00              CHKOBJ     OBJ(&FILLIB/&FILENAME) OBJTYPE(*FILE)        
0052.00              MONMSG     MSGID(CPF9800 CPF9801 CPF9815) EXEC(DO)      
0053.00                  CRTPF  FILE(&FILLIB/&FILENAME) RCDLEN(&RECLENGTH) + 
0054.00                                MAXMBRS(*NOMAX) SIZE(*NOMAX)          
0055.00              ENDDO                                                   
0052.00 /* Check if member already present in File, If Present then clear it*/       
0054.00              CHKOBJ     OBJ(&LIB/&FILENAME) OBJTYPE(*FILE) +            
0055.00                         MBR(&MBRNME)                                         
0056.00              MONMSG     MSGID(CPF9815) EXEC(DO)                              
0057.00              ADDPFM     FILE(&LIB/&FILENAME) MBR(&MBRNME)               
0058.00              MONMSG     MSGID(CPF3204 CPF7306) EXEC(DO)                      
0059.00              SNDPGMMSG  MSG('File member not created')                       
0060.00              GOTO       CMDLBL(END)                                          
0061.00              ENDDO                                                           
0062.00              ENDDO                                                           
0107.00             ADDLIBLE   LIB(TAATOOL) POSITION(*AFTER QTEMP)          
0108.00             MONMSG     MSGID(CPF2103)                               
0224.00                         TOLIB(&LIB1)                               
0225.00           ADDPFM     FILE(&LIB1/&FILE1) MBR(&MEMBER1)              
0226.00           MONMSG     MSGID(CPF0000)                                
0227.00           ENDDO                                                    


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