Examples of Database Relations 2


Examples of realtions: Includes and Extended by 

   FIL Employee1                 Owned by         FIL employee                 
   FIL Employee1                 Qualified by     FLD A:A7C Quatity            
   FIL Employee1                 Known by       1 FLD A:A7C Customer ID        
   FIL Employee1                 Extended by      FIL employee                 
   FIL Employee1                 Refers to        FIL employee                 
   FIL Employee1                 Has              FLD A:A7C Amount             
   FIL Employee1                 Includes         FIL A:A7A Audit fields(a/c)                    

   FIL employee                  Owned by         FIL pharmacy            
   FIL employee                  Known by         FLD empno               
   FIL employee                  Known by         FLD Emp_id              
   FIL employee                  Known by         FLD Employee Id         
   FIL employee                  Refers to        FIL deptno              
   FIL employee                  Refers to        FIL dept                
   FIL employee                  Has              FLD sal                 
   FIL employee                  Has              FLD empname             
   FIL employee                  Has              FLD empdoj              
   FIL employee                  Has              FLD empmgr              
   FIL employee                  Has              FLD Emp_Name            
   FIL employee                  Has              FLD Emp_Phone           
   FIL employee                  Has              FLD Employee Name       
    File name. . . . : Employee1                  
 ? Field                    Type      Ocr  Et Ksq 
   pharmacy id               NBR           K    1 
   empno                     CDE           K    2 
   Emp_id                    CDE           K    3 
   Employee Id               CDE           K    4 
   A:A7C Quatity             NBR           K    5 
   A:A7C Customer ID         NBR           K    6 
   empno              005919 CDE REF       A      
   Emp_id             008312 CDE REF       A      
   Employee Id        008489 CDE REF       A      
   A:A7C Amount              NBR           A      
   Add Date                  DTE REF       A      
   Add Time                  TME REF       A      
   ADD User Name             VNM REF       A      
   ADD Program Name          VNM REF       A      
   Chg Date                  DTE REF       A     
   Chg Time                  TME REF       A     
   CHG User Name             VNM REF       A     
   CHG Program Name          VNM REF       A     

    File name. . . . : employee                  
 ? Field                    Type      Ocr  Et Ksq
   pharmacy id               NBR           K    1
   empno                     CDE           K    2
   Emp_id                    CDE           K    3
   Employee Id               CDE           K    4
   deptno                    CDE           A     
   dno                       CDE           A     
   DEPARTMENT CODE           TXT           A     
   sal                       NBR           A     
   empname                   TXT           A     
   empdoj                    DT#           A     
   empmgr                    CDE           A     
   Emp_Name                  TXT           A     
   Emp_Phone                 NBR           A     
   Employee Name             TXT           A     
   FIL EMP Employee              Known by      20 FLD EMP NO         
   FIL EMP Employee              Has           30 FLD emp_loc        
   FIL EMP Employee              Includes     999 FIL auditlogj 

   FIL auditlogj                 Has              FLD Chg Date     
   FIL auditlogj                 Has              FLD Chg Time     
   FIL auditlogj                 Has              FLD Created Date 
   FIL auditlogj                 Has              FLD Created Time   

    File name. . . . : EMP Employee               
 ? Field                    Type      Ocr  Et Ksq 
   EMP NO                    CDE           K    1 
   emp_loc                   TXT           A      
   Chg Date                  DTE REF       A      
   Chg Time                  TME REF       A      
   Created Date              DTE           A      
   Created Time              TME           A      

    File name. . . . : auditlogj                  
 ? Field                    Type      Ocr  Et Ksq 
   Chg Date                  DTE REF       A      
   Chg Time                  TME REF       A      
   Created Date              DTE           A      
   Created Time              TME           A      

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